Sweat Therapy Performance Sample Week
5 sets every 4min
5-3-1 snatch
Increase the weight after each set, the three sets at the three loads must be completed under 4min.
You do NOT need to go TnG, just perform 5 reps at one load, three at the next and finally a single.
So for example you might perform 5x80kg, increase to 100kg and hit 3, increase to 120kg and hit a single. Then drop it back to 80kg for the next round.
Back Squat
6x2 @87-92%
Go by feel here based on how your legs are at the moment.
8 rounds
12/9 cal assault bike
10-15 C2B
5-10 strict HSPU
Choose rep ranges that allow you to stay unbroken, the bike should be “active recovery” pace.
5km run.
Do this outside and record your time. If possible, hit this before smoking your legs on the lifting.
Optional Extras
Dumbbell Cycling
EMOM x18
Min 1: 10 single arm devils presses
Min 2: 3/3 single arm DB thruster + OHS - one rep is a thruster, pause at the top and then perform an OHS before lowering the dumbbell back to the front rack for the next thruster.
Min 3: 12 dumbbell hang clean and jerks
Barbell cycling
3x10 hang power cleans - go every 2min
3x10 shoulder to OH - go every 2min
16min AMRAP
8 sand bag cleans
8 burpees
6 sand bag cleans
6 burpee box get overs 48/42”
4 sand bag cleans
4 burpee ring muscle ups
150/100lbs or similar
If you don’t have a sand bag, perform power clean singles at a slightly heavier weight (say 80/60ish for Rxd)
15min HSW practice
If you’re proficient at HSW, do some obstacle work. Ramps, plate staircases, turns etc.
Optional Extras
10 rounds
0:30 assault bike moderate
0:30 assault bike hard
0:30 assault bike moderate
1:00 rest
The idea here is to really push the “hard” interval, making it a massive effort to then hold on for your 0:30 moderate afterwards
Front Squats
8x1 pause front squat
Go as heavy as you can, dead stop in the bottom, pause for about 3 seconds.
10 rounds for quality
12 pistols
12 HSPU - kipping
12 GHDs
Really focus on making each rep smooth and technically perfect. Do not go for speed, perform the movement properly and controlled, you can add speed if necessary in competition.
EMOM x21
Min 1: 20/15cal row
Min 2: 12 dumbbell step overs 2x22.5/15s
Min 3: 1 round of dumbbell DT 2x22.5/15s
Yes, I’m on a bit of a dumbbell binge at the moment and yes we did a variation of dumbbell DT last week. Pls enjoy it again.
4 rounds
0:30 ring supported plank
8/8 single leg cross body toes to bar
0:20/0:20 loaded side plank
rest as needed between rounds
50m freestyle
50m breast stroke
50m freestyle
50m back stroke
6x200m swam as 50m fast, 100m easy 50m fast
Rest 2min between 200s
Your easy 100m you should aim to be breathing bilaterally
100m easy swim down
Aerobic Capacity Option
This is completely optional and is designed to be aerobic – meaning you should be moving at a comfortable and sustainable pace. No more than a 5/10 effort
45min AMRAP
1500m bike erg (or cycle outside)
800m run
Optional Midline / Recovery
4 rounds
20 hollow rocks
15/15 side plank raises
0:45 plank
1:00 rest
3 rounds
0:30/0:30 couch stretch
0:30 pancake stretch
0:30 downward dog
0:30/0:30 banded lat stretch
1:00 doorway chest stretch
1:00 rest
5 sets every 4min
5-3-1 clean and jerk
Same as Monday for the snatch, however you will likely have to use a lower % than the snatch as the C&J is a slightly slower movement.
Increase the weight after each set, the three sets at the three loads must be completed under 4min.
You do NOT need to go TnG, just perform 5 reps at one load, three at the next and finally a single.
So for example you might perform 5x80kg, increase to 100kg and hit 3, increase to 120kg and hit a single. Then drop it back to 80kg for the next round.
Deficit clean grip deadlifts @100-110% of max clean.
Focus on pulling from the floor the same way you would a clean, rather than a deadlift.
EMOM x14
Min 1: 20/15cal C2 bike
Min 2: 2 legless rope climbs
500m ski
750m row
1000m run
Rest 2min between rounds
Optional extras
EMOM x12
Min 1: 10 DB bench
Min 2: 8-10 strict underhand chin ups
Min 3: 10 lateral raises + 10 reverse flies
50 rounds
3 strict HSPU
2 burpee box overs 30/24”
1 squat clean 100/70kg
Scale strict to kipping if need be and of course scale the load of the clean as needed